Day 107-113!!!

So excited about this one! This will be the last business vlog in THIS format… I was testing out vlogging every day and combining the updates into one weekly video for the past several weeks, but I started to feel like it was too much of the same… too much chatting and summarizing and not enough documenting and doing. So, starting next week there will be TWO weekly business vlogs! Here’s how this week went down…

Day 107- Started the day subbing a Sculpt class and then immediately afterwards I found out I was picked as one of the winners for the Instagram #100squatchallenge I’ve been working on! I received a $100 gift card to Popflex Activewear! What a nice surprise right!? We took most of the day off and decided to continue our anniversary celebration from yesterday… in the evening we dove right back into Business by Design.

Day 108- I was very distracted today, I couldn’t hone in on just one thing to work on… the results of not having a clear action plan for the day. I’m still backtracking and trying to finish open projects so I definitely needed some fresh air at the end of the day.

Day 109- I taught my first maxed out Yoga Sculpt class today! It was really hard to turn people away since the studio was full, but it was an amazing class and I’m so grateful to have the opportunity to connect with so many people! On another note, I edited and worked in front of my computer for the remainder of the day…

Day 110- I finally finished editing all of the Hawaii vlogs I’ve been hoarding on my computer since last year!!!

Day 111- Still catching up on things… old blog posts and old videos. I know I don’t HAVE to finish these things in order to move forward but I’ve chosen to get that out of the way first. I hope to be done with so much backtracking by the end of the week!

Day 112- We are getting serious about outsourcing certain tasks because we know operating this way is not sustainable. I can’t do ALL the things in my business and personal brand even with Eddie helping me so much… I need to find a video editor, copywriter, assistant and more. For now we are working on organizing our processes so we can be prepared for our future virtual assistants.

Day 113- So many things to mention for today! First, I’m changing the format of these business vlogs again! Instead of ONE video per week, I’ll be doing TWO business videos per week!! (Still documenting every day!) I’m also outsourcing the editing and a lot of the filming to Eddie, this will free up even more time for me to focus on my photography business and personal brand. Today I also discuss the changes I’ve seen on my Instagram account since completing the one hundred squat challenge (in about a month and a half I’ve grown my Instagram audience from 907 to 1,178!) We also had our first coaching call with James Wedmore and last but definitely not least… we’ve decided to start taking Sundays off! (and by “off” I mean I’ll be writing and working on my personal brand content) 😉

Thanks for watching, enjoy! Xoxo,


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Fitness Coach and Vegan Hybrid Athlete. I combine the principals of running, bodybuilding and yoga to help you build a body and life you're wildly passionate about!

Monthly challenges for people that love to run, and for people that hate to run;)

Welcome! I’m so happy you’re here!​

I’m Marissa! Fitness Coach + Vegan Hybrid Athlete.​

I believe the greatest act of LOVE is to take care of YOU FIRST. I’m here to help you transform your body and build a life you’re wildly passionate about. You in?