pop pilates instructor training review and experience

I’ve casually mentioned this fitness instructor training stuff in other posts but there’s a back story I haven’t shared yet. I’m still trying to make sense of the what, why and how of this experiment so I’ll fill you in on the details when I can tell the story in less than 60,000 words. In the meantime let’s talk about that one time a few weeks ago when I signed up for Pop Pilates Instructor Training.

If you have no idea what that is, here you go:

Pop Pilates is a new group fitness format available in all 24 Hour Fitness clubs. It’s an upbeat, challenging and fun Pilates-inspired workout choreographed to your favorite Top 40 hits, basically it’s a “dance on the mat”. I wrote about the first Pop Pilates Master class in Hawaii HERE if you want to check it out.

The fact that I finally took one step towards my desire to work in the fitness industry didn’t settle in until the day before the instructor training (you can read about that hot mess of a situation HERE). I thought about pretending to get lost on the way to the training but that was out of the question since one of my best friends and I had signed up to do this together.

We started our long day with a yummy breakfast and strong coffee…acai bowl java cafe ward-honolulu

I packed a filling (and delicious) black-bean quinoa salad for lunch to give us enough energy to get through a day of training (not pictured: the giant chocolate muffin we had for dessert).

group fitness instructor training lunch

After the Pop Pilates Master Class Cassey joined hundreds of Popsters for a meet and greet and the future Pop Pilates Instructors (20 of us) prepared to start our full-day training with a Pop Pilates Master Trainer. My hands were sweaty, my voice shook and I battled with the thought of ditching the class through the back door more than once. But at the same time I felt excited, welcomed and like I wanted to give everyone in the room a high five followed by an awkward hug. I wasn’t sure whether I should smile or cry, run away or stay put, talk about fat cats or just be cool. Staying behind my camera (see photo above) and having my diva bff next to me helped keep my nerves and excitement under control and fortunately the disaster I imagined the night before never came to life.

The moment Jules (Pop Pilates Program Director & Master Trainer) started the workshop all of my anxiety and jitters about the day practically melted away. She started by making sure we all understood that Pop Pilates is a GOOD VIBES ONLY zone. Golden! I’ve heard the phrase before but in the Pop Pilates world this is serious business, not just a pretty quote to post on Instagram. Once again this confirmed that I made the right choice to start my group fitness journey with Pop Pilates.jules fultz pop pilates program director

jules fultz teaching-pop pilates review

And speaking of Jules… the girl brought it. And I’m talkin’ drop the mic- pop yo’ collar type of BROUGHT IT. She injected her energy, passion and love for Pop Pilates, group fitness and us in everything she taught throughout the day. From discussing the history of Pilates to demonstrating choreography and proper technique Jules was all in and an absolute joy to be around.

Cassey joined us for a portion of our training so we got our own little meet and greet session. She told us about her story and then asked to hear about our stories…She is just as beautiful, bubbly, passionate and loving as I imagined her to be. I wrote a little more about Cassey on my review of the master class she taught earlier that day, click HERE for that post.

pop pilates instructor training creator of pop pilates-blogilates cassey ho

cassey ho and future pop pilates instructors- training review

Cassey created a beautiful program and Jules set the perfect tone for our day but it’s my future co-Pop Pilates Instructors that confirm that the Pop Pilates community is going to thrive in Hawaii. The girls (and one guy!) that I got to spend the day with are among some of the most helpful, supportive and genuine people that I’ve met. The seasoned pros of the group embraced the newbies with open arms and their lively and warm energy was contagious. Even weeks after the training and as we’re all working to get our certification they continue to offer their guidance and encouragement, I’m forever grateful.

pop pilates instructor training good vibes only-world of pop pilates

pop pilates instructor-blogilates mat-couture

Jules and other master trainers continue to host instructor training workshops throughout the US so that Pop Pilates can be taught in as many clubs and gyms as possible. It’s definitely an exciting time to be a part of the Pop Army! Click HERE to find an instructor in your area and take your first Pop Pilates class! And click HERE if you’re interested in getting certified to teach Pop Pilates!

My Pop Pilates Instructor training experience definitely ignited something in me that I can’t quite explain yet. But while I figure that out I’m excited to continue sharing more updates and insights about this journey so be sure to sign up HERE to keep in touch! Please let me know if you have any questions about getting certified that I can answer in a follow up post! 


hawaii pop pilates instructor training- group pic

becoming a pop pilates instructor
pop pilates blogilates popsters- instructor training-pilates
what is pop pilates


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Fitness Coach and Vegan Hybrid Athlete. I combine the principals of running, bodybuilding and yoga to help you build a body and life you're wildly passionate about!

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I’m Marissa! Fitness Coach + Vegan Hybrid Athlete.​

I believe the greatest act of LOVE is to take care of YOU FIRST. I’m here to help you transform your body and build a life you’re wildly passionate about. You in?