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Peanut Butter Green Smoothie

I always look forward to my cardio days during the week since I’m a self-proclaimed runner (a.k.a. fast walker, slow sprinter). And because I prefer moving my body outdoors I’m not always as excited for my strength training days. But since I know that lifting weights helps reduce body fat, build muscle, burn calories AND improve bone density I’ve committed to making friends with my dumbbells and getting my squat on.

I know that reducing body fat & burning calories sounds fantastic but the strength training benefit that I’m really interested in is bone density improvement. That doesn’t sound as exciting but the risk of osteoporosis and hip fractures increase with age (especially among women due to menopause) and since I’m pretty sure I’m already on the path to becoming a very particular and needy old lady I want to limit any scary risks as much as possible. I’m simply looking out for the poor soul that will have to take care of me in the future, no need to make them deal with my 23 future cats and a hip fracture.

So to cover my basis I include strength training in my regular workout routine AND I make sure to eat plenty of spinach. Although I don’t love spinach (kinda’ like how I feel about strength training), it contains powerful amounts of bone strengthening Vitamin K so I sneak it into as many meals and smoothies as I can.

Spinach contains so many more beneficial vitamins and nutrients and this creamy peanut butter smoothie is a perfect way to get a good dose of the powerful leafy greens. But if you’re like me and don’t loooove spinach you should still make this smoothie… at least for your future menopausal self.

Spinach Oats & Peanut Butter Smoothie

Peanut Butter Power Smoothie


Course Breakfast, Snack
Servings 2


  • 3 cups spinach
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • ¼ cup old fashioned oats
  • 3 cups almond milk or water
  • 2 rounded tablespoons peanut butter or almond butter


  • Using a high-speed blender blend all ingredients until smooth. You can use frozen banana or place smoothie in the refrigerator until ready to drink. Enjoy!
Peanut Butter, Oats & Spinach Smoothie

Are you more of a cardio or weight lifting person? Let me know if you plan to try this smoothie, the peanut butter makes it extra delicious!

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Fitness Coach and Vegan Hybrid Athlete. I combine the principals of running, bodybuilding and yoga to help you build a body and life you're wildly passionate about!

Monthly challenges for people that love to run, and for people that hate to run;)

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I’m Marissa! Fitness Coach + Vegan Hybrid Athlete.​

I believe the greatest act of LOVE is to take care of YOU FIRST. I’m here to help you transform your body and build a life you’re wildly passionate about. You in?