The life of an aspiring entrepreneur is filled with so many ups and downs, I’m living proof. I’m learning to enjoy the journey but I’m also looking forward to the days when I can actually run a profitable business!

Day 123 (00:17)- Today someone asked us what we do for work and for some reason our response was different than normal. Usually we shy away from this question but today Eddie confidently explained that we are in the beginning stages of starting our business! It felt great to own up to it and not feel “embarrassed” about the fact that we are JUST STARTING! Everyone has to start somewhere right!?

We are kicking off the week on a good note and I KNOW that one day I’m going to refer back to these videos and talk about what this time was like, I’m so glad we’re documenting this. It’s still terrifying at times and very few people watch these vlogs but the feedback I’ve gotten from those who do watch makes this totally worth it.

Day 124 (04:01)- We worked on business by design today and it’s still not getting any easier but this is to be expected. The beginning of anything is oftentimes the hardest but after that comes MOMENTUM… I’m very much looking forward to that!

“The 0-5 miles per hour is the hardest piece, once you have momentum it gets easier and easier and easier.” -James Wedmore

Day 125 (05:45)- For the second time this week we started work with coffee and away from the office! We are ending the week, still with good vibes of course, but feeling stuck… yet again. As we move through Business by Design we keep pivoting and it’s so frustrating! I know we’ll move forward and get clarity as we continue trying different things and experimenting but I’m ready to get out of the planning stage! Patience, consistency and focus…. *sigh*

Thanks for watching,

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Fitness Coach and Vegan Hybrid Athlete. I combine the principals of running, bodybuilding and yoga to help you build a body and life you're wildly passionate about!

Monthly challenges for people that love to run, and for people that hate to run;)

Welcome! I’m so happy you’re here!​

I’m Marissa! Fitness Coach + Vegan Hybrid Athlete.​

I believe the greatest act of LOVE is to take care of YOU FIRST. I’m here to help you transform your body and build a life you’re wildly passionate about. You in?