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Day 150 (00:11) – After finishing the first draft of my course a few days ago I have found myself feeling a little hesitant about what to do next. It’s not that I don’t KNOW what I need to do… I think I’m simply feeling nervous about how MUCH still needs to get done. It feels like I’m starting from square one all over again even though I just finished a big task! But I know the hardest part is STARTING. So, I worked on making a list of the most important things to get done within the next two weeks and I chatted with Eddie about the timeline of certain things coming up.

Today I also started a new routine since I picked up another class at Core Power Yoga and I’m now teaching on Monday evenings. I didn’t feel I was too productive today BUT it was refreshing to get out of the office and move my body because working from home is certainly not always fun…

Day 151 (01:29)- We decided to ditch work today and go on a movie date! Although being an aspiring entrepreneur is not glamorous it feels nice to simply do what you feel like doing on a daily basis BUT this can also be dangerous because there is so much more room to slack off! I’m not exactly proud of all of the “slacking off” I’ve been doing but I am aware that it’s part of how I’m stalling to move forward with my business. But the first step is being aware of these things right? So at least now I know what I need to work on…

Day 152 (03:10) – I’m not sure how well I’ve tied everything together in this video, it seems I’m more concerned with preparing for Hurricane Lane than talking about why working from home isn’t glamorous! Even so, in today’s update I decided to share some of the reasons I think working from home isn’t as great as it’s oftentimes thought to be… don’t get me wrong, it’s awesome and I wouldn’t change it!

I probably won’t vlog for the next three days as we’ll be in full lockdown mode due to the storm but I will document what I can and share it in the next vlog! Thanks for being here!


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Fitness Coach and Vegan Hybrid Athlete. I combine the principals of running, bodybuilding and yoga to help you build a body and life you're wildly passionate about!

Monthly challenges for people that love to run, and for people that hate to run;)

Welcome! I’m so happy you’re here!​

I’m Marissa! Fitness Coach + Vegan Hybrid Athlete.​

I believe the greatest act of LOVE is to take care of YOU FIRST. I’m here to help you transform your body and build a life you’re wildly passionate about. You in?