Day 167 (00:10) -It feels so good to be back after a TWENTY DAY vlogging break! With a trip to visit family in California, TWO amazing concerts, Sculpt classes and more family in Hawaii I decided to take some serious time off. At first I was feeling very guilty about the time I was “wasting” but Gary Vaynerchuk helped me remember that it was my CHOICE to take time off so why am I complaining about it? It’s all perspective. The reality is that I’m grateful for the memories we made and the opportunity I have to take time off in the first place.

In today’s update I share a little bit about my entrepreneurial evolution from when I started my first business ten years ago. And then again 167 days ago and more recently, 20 days ago. I feel I’ve grown as an individual and future entrepreneur within the last month and I feel so proud and content about it. From here on out it’s all about BEING… 1. Self-integral 2. Committed 3. Responsible.

I think this is going to be one of those vlogs that I reference in the future when I need to remind myself and others of the importance of BEING over DOING. Thank you Jim Fortin, James Wedmore and of course Gary Vaynerchuk for being incredible mentors.

Day 168 (06:22) – I started my work day a little late today. I’m currently in the thick of marathon training and today’s run/walk was 10 miles, needless to say I was moving a little slower than normal the rest of the day. I still found myself doing a lot of “busy work”, things that should have been done a long time ago, and not fully focused on working on my first product. But I’m not going to lie, it felt great to cross off things in my to-do list that have been lingering for too long!

So although today was yet another day of “organizing and catching up” I think it was worth it! Open item lists are so draining! Now I feel I can be 100% mentally focused on working on course creation tomorrow….

Day 169 (07:34) – What happens when you let everything that is not related to moving your business forward take over your time… nothing! *sigh* Let’s try this again tomorrow…

Day 170 (08:15) – I was able to find about 2 solid, uninterrupted hours in my day today to work on the second draft of my course… it was very much needed. The progress is slow but I’m just happy that there is some kind of PROGRESS! I’m back to vlogging, back to my semi-regular work hours and back to creating my first online product! Let’s keep going…
Thank you for being here!


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Fitness Coach and Vegan Hybrid Athlete. I combine the principals of running, bodybuilding and yoga to help you build a body and life you're wildly passionate about!

Monthly challenges for people that love to run, and for people that hate to run;)

Welcome! I’m so happy you’re here!​

I’m Marissa! Fitness Coach + Vegan Hybrid Athlete.​

I believe the greatest act of LOVE is to take care of YOU FIRST. I’m here to help you transform your body and build a life you’re wildly passionate about. You in?